GEP – All you need to know about the Gifted education programme in Singapore

The GEP, or Gifted Education Programme Singapore, is a specialised educational initiative tailored to the needs of exceptionally intellectually gifted students.

GEP, or Gifted Education Programme Singapore, is a specialised educational initiative tailored to the needs of exceptionally intellectually gifted students. Identification for the GEP takes place in Primary 3 through a two-step process, with chosen students having the opportunity to enrol in the GEP program starting from Primary 4.

GEP curriculum is an advanced educational framework that covers the same content areas as mainstream but is notably broader and more in-depth. It focuses on nurturing skills for independent research and encourages students to explore topics of personal interest. The idea behind GEP is that if academically gifted students were to remain in a mainstream classroom, they could quickly get bored and feel like they are not being adequately challenged. This can also affect the morale of students, resulting in teachers being unable to provide a learning experience that will suit the entire class. Streaming through GEP ensures that each student is placed in a learning environment that’s right for them. The GEP program also includes Individualised Study Options (ISO). ISOs refer to the wide range of project work options available to GEP students. However, parents need not worry that their children will be isolated from mainstream students as they will still have plenty of chances to interact via CCAs and other activities.

What is the identification process for GEP?

Your child’s school will inform you about the GEP screening exercise date, usually held in August every year. You will need to consent to your child’s participation.

The GEP identification process consists of Screening, Selection, Result notification and School posting.

Stage 1: Screening – held in August.

During this stage, your P3 child will participate in the GEP screening by sitting for English Language and Mathematics papers. Your child’s school will inform you of the date. For 2023, the date was 17th August.

Stage 2: Selection- held in October

Selected students from the screening stage will proceed to the selection stage. This stage involves papers in English Language, Mathematics, and General Ability. For 2023, the date is the 17th and 18th October.

Stage 3: Result notification and School Posting  – November

If your child is selected, you will receive a letter of invitation through the school to join the GEP program at Primary 4. The letter will also contain an invitation for you and your child to attend a GEP briefing in early November. After the briefing, if you decide to take up the offer, you will need to select preferred GEP schools, and the school posting results will usually be released by the end of November.

Once you receive the posting results, you should collect your child’s Holistic Development Profile (HDP)/report book from their current school. The GEP school will email you with instructions to prepare for the Primary 4 school year.

List of GEP schools in Singapore and affiliations.

Students from Primary schools affiliated with a Secondary school have a different, much broader PSLE cut-off. Your child will have priority to the affiliated secondary school if it is indicated as their first choice. However, admission is not guaranteed as it is still subject to the availability of vacancies and additional qualifying criteria set by the affiliated secondary school.

For dual-track schools offering both the Integrated Programme (IP) and the Singapore-Cambridge Secondary Education Certificate (SEC), affiliation considerations will only be given for the SEC Programme.

  1. Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) –  Affiliated to – Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) (Secondary) and Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)
  2. Catholic High School (Primary) – Affiliated to Catholic High School (Secondary)
  3. Henry Park Primary School
  4. Nan Hua Primary School
  5. Nanyang Primary School – Affiliated to Nanyang Girls’ High School
  6. Raffles Girls’ Primary School
  7. Rosyth School
  8. St. Hilda’s Primary School – Affiliated to St. Hilda’s Secondary School
  9. Tao Nan School

GEP curriculum – how is it different from the mainstream curriculum?


GEP curriculum is built upon the foundation of the regular curriculum, with an emphasis on enrichment rather than acceleration. It is differentiated in 4 areas for the holistic development of pupils: Content enrichment, Process enrichment, Product enrichment, and Learning environment. The goal is to cultivate gifted students’ cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and character traits, equipping them to excel both academically and personally. Let’s look into these 4 areas in detail:

GEP curriculum is built upon the foundation of the regular curriculum, with an emphasis on enrichment rather than acceleration. It is differentiated in 4 areas for the holistic development of pupils: Content enrichment, Process enrichment, Product enrichment, and Learning environment. The goal is to cultivate gifted students’ cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and character traits, equipping them to excel both academically and personally. Let’s look into these 4 areas in detail:

   1. Content Enrichment

The GEP curriculum extends beyond the conventional syllabus, delving into subjects with increased breadth and depth. Advanced topics are integrated where appropriate, fostering interdisciplinary connections and real-world applications. Beyond academic knowledge, the curriculum explicitly imparts values like resilience, respect, empathy, humility, optimism, and curiosity.

  2. Process Enrichment

The GEP curriculum strongly emphasises developing higher-level thinking skills and 21st-century competencies. Students are encouraged to discover knowledge independently through experiential learning and inquiry-based approaches. The curriculum also equips students with essential research skills and employs diverse teaching strategies to accommodate various learning preferences. Group activities foster teamwork and conflict-resolution skills while nurturing growth and a sense of agency.

  3. Product Enrichment

In the GEP curriculum, the concept of ‘product’ extends beyond traditional assignments. Students are encouraged to express their creativity and critical thinking through various means. The curriculum values real-world relevance, promoting authentic learning experiences. It also provides opportunities for students to initiate and lead projects that address community needs, fostering a sense of social responsibility.

   4. Learning Environment

The GEP learning environment is carefully curated to support gifted students’ development. It is stimulating, learner-centred, and encourages risk-taking. Students are nurtured to develop self-awareness and self-acceptance, enabling them to embrace their uniqueness. Beyond the classroom, the curriculum leverages out-of-school learning experiences like educational trails, museum visits, and extensions such as mentorship attachments in collaboration with tertiary institutions.

GEP-Individualised Study Options

Individualised Study Options (ISO) are project work options available to students in the Gifted Education Programme (GEP). These projects are designed to offer a holistic and enriching learning experience that goes beyond conventional classroom instruction. ISOs empower students to delve deeply into subjects of interest, fostering their curiosity and passion for learning.

In preparation for engaging in ISOs during Primary 5, GEP students are introduced to core research skills through dedicated Inquiry Skills lessons in Primary 4. These lessons equip students with valuable skills such as research scoping, information sourcing, data gathering, data analysis, and the art of effectively presenting findings. These foundational skills serve as the bedrock for the upcoming ISO endeavours.

Primary 5 students are presented with diverse project options, each with its unique focus and skill development. These options include:

  1. Individualised Research Study (IRS): In this option, students undertake a research project rooted in their personal interests. IRS encourages students to explore subjects they are genuinely curious about, fostering a sense of autonomy and dedication to their chosen topics.
  2. Innovation Programme (IvP): The IvP option challenges students to flex their inventive thinking muscles. This project encourages innovative approaches to solving problems and nurturing creativity and originality.
  3. School-Initiated Programmes: Alongside IRS and IvP, GEP students can participate in school-initiated programs like Future-Problem Solving (FPS) and Destination Imagination (DI). These initiatives nurture critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and effective communication skills.

Important Points to note regarding the GEP program

  1. It’s important to note that ISO projects, unlike traditional assessments, are not graded in the students’ report books. Instead, the emphasis is on the process of learning, exploration, and growth. Various platforms are available for your child to share their findings and project work. Outstanding IRS projects are showcased in the annual IRS Exhibition.
  1. There is no special treatment for GEP students in the PSLE. Your child will qualify for secondary school based on their PSLE result. Also, for application via DSA Sec, your child will be treated as any other DSA applicant.
  1. Before you accept the GEP Schools offer, consider if the programme will benefit your child. Will your child be able to keep up with the rigour of GEP program? Also, chat with your child about how they feel about changing schools, as not all kids are comfortable with a new environment.
  1. MOE highly discourages preparation for the GEP selection test. By trying to prepare your child, you could end up inflating their scores, and this will not reflect your child’s actual potential. In fact, it can backfire and be harmful in the long run, as they may struggle to cope with the enriched curriculum and Experience stress that could affect self-esteem and confidence.

Explore Klassbook for classes specialising in GEP  programme  in Singapore

To explore more classes, go through our list of GEP specific  classes here. We have curated comprehensive list of enrichment classes specialising in GEP programme

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