Class Details
About Wonderlit
A creative enrichment space that offers a boutique experience tailored to nurture and develop children through their formative years to become accomplished readers and confident communicators
Know more1.Wonderlit Speak - Primary 1
Age: 7 years old
Class Size: 10 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 30 mins
Initial Grade (Individual)
In the Speak P1 programme, we focus on
building up our students’ speech foundations, easing them into expressing their
thoughts clearly with simple, informal, everyday conversations. With growing
confidence, students will be able to carry conversations and make simple “show
and tell” presentations.
Drama activities will be included to help
students envision discussion topics in imaginary settings. This enhances their
ability to respond clearly and appropriately while learning to listen,
interact, and share information through presentations and role play.
Time will be devoted to helping our
students prepare for their MOE oral exams where needed.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
2.Wonderlit Speak - Primary 2
Age: 8 years old
Class Size: 10 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 30 mins
Grade 1 (Individual)
In the Speak P2 programme, our students
will further develop their articulation skills with opportunities to begin to
speak more fluently and fervently in relatable conversations. Students learn
how to describe and discuss objects and pictures with better understanding,
while demonstrating the ability to respond in a logical manner.
Through a structured thought process, our
students learn how to better prepare and organize materials to discuss with a
much deeper understanding about familiar and newly presented topics. Along with
verbal communication, our students will develop an awareness of the appropriate
body language and facial expression to help convey moods and attitudes in
selected presentations.
Time will be devoted to helping our
students prepare for their MOE oral exams where needed.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
3.Wonderlit Perform – Nursery
Age: 3–4 years old
Class Size: 10 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 30 mins
In the Perform Nursery programme, our
students learn body movements and social interaction with peers, while relating
to texts through the dramatizing of nursery rhymes and poems.
Our main focus is to help our students’
speech development by introducing speech work on their diction and volume, so
that they can be heard loudly and clearly when conversing on their own.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
4.Wonderlit Perform - Pre-Teen
Age: 10–12 years old
Class size: 10 maximum
Class duration: 1 hour 30 mins
Grade 3 to 4 (Solo/Pair/Group)
In the Pre-Teen programme, our students
are exposed to greater literature pieces so that they can explore their
creative minds by seeking out the perimeters of improvisation. These drama exercises
help students create an imaginary world from the chosen literature text, making
them more relatable and understandable. They will learn how to combine the
appropriate speech and body movements to portray characters within the text,
learning and enacting the context. This helps them create and convey ideas,
moods, and meaning through appropriate variation in performance
Guidance will be given on the use of
performance skills to demonstrate a personal and imaginative interpretation
which is consistent, displaying refinement of their technical skills with a
more lively and captivating performance.
As they progress, our students work
towards improving their individual physical movement and speech skills to
captivate an imaginative audience. The goal is to give an accurate and
sustained performance which demonstrates the acquired skills, knowledge, and
understanding of the text. They will learn to make creative use of the given
space to effectively portray the adopted character to the audience.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
5.Wonderlit Perform – Teen
Age: 13-16 years old
Class size: 10 maximum
Class duration: 1 hour 30 mins
Grade 4 to 6 (Solo/Group)
In the Teens programme, our students work
on improving their vocal and physical skills to present their performing
pieces, ranging from poem/prose recital to a play extract in solos or in
groups. They will be taught to understand
how various speech skills could elevate their performance with different
content and in different contexts. In addition, they will learn the use of
physical space to imagine the environment/scene required for their
Students will be taught on the advanced
techniques of sight reading of unseen materials. This helps to build their
spontaneity and confidence in handling impromptu conversations or discussions.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
6.Wonderlit Read - Pre-read Words
Age: 3.5–5 years old
Class Size: 8 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 30 mins
In the Pre-read Words programme, our
students begin to identify middle sounds and learn how to add, remove, blend,
and segment sounds to form words. They will also begin to associate sounds with
printed alphabets and words.
Through interactive games and playing
with peers, our students will learn how to apply their knowledge of
letter-sound relationships to correctly pronounce written words. This gives
them the ability to recognize familiar words quickly, and figure out the
pronunciation of unfamiliar words as they learn to read simple sentences.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
7.Wonderlit Read - Early Reader
Age: 5–7 years old
Class Size: 10 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 30 mins
In the Early Reader programme, we focus
on inculcating good reading habits and imparting advanced sound manipulation
skills to our students, including exceptions to phonics principles. This leads
to mastery of basic word decoding skills, enabling them to spell essential
sight words.
Our students will receive explicit
reading and phonics instruction so that they can read independently for short
periods of time. Through this, they will learn new consonant blends, identify
compound words and contractions, and construct meaning from print.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
8.Wonderlit Speak - Primary 5/6
Age: 11–12 years old
Class Size: 10 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 30 mins
Grade 3 to 4 (Individual/Group)
In the Speak P5/6 programme, our students
will learn to apply various vocal skills in their conversations so that they can
speak with clarity and fluency using simple, captivating language. They will
also learn to develop convincing personal views and be taught how to summaries
and respond to a range of questions and required discussions spontaneously and
with substantial reasoning. Students are
given opportunities to engage in and respond to topics on current affairs,
allowing them to broaden their knowledge.
For presentations, our students will
improve their ability to use a wide range of language structures to deliver
convincing, persuasive speeches with greater ease and confidence using vocal
expression, eye contact, and body language. To hone their skills further,
students are guided to explore a diverse set of topics, developing personal styles
in addressing an audience.
With strengthened analytical skills, our
students will be able to summaries and communicate information logically,
expressing their own views with confidence whether in conversations or
Time will be devoted to helping our
students prepare for their MOE oral exams where needed.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
9.Wonderlit Coach
Wonderlit’s bespoke coaching
programme is designed for children seeking additional mentoring in addition to
our classes, or for specific school enrolment or interview preparation. With a
personal level of coaching, our students gain additional feedback and attention
that fits their individual needs.
These coaching sessions are
provided on a 1-on-1 basis, or with up to 4 children only. This ensures that
our Wonderlit Educators can focus on the students, providing the extra care and
coaching required to achieve stellar performance in whichever programme your
child is working on — be it Trinity exams, MOE oral exams, or Direct School
Admission (DSA) tests.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
10.Wonderlit Read - Fluent Reader
Age: 7–9 years old
Class Size: 10 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 45 mins
In the Fluent Reader programme, our
students will master advanced word decoding and spelling skills that enable
them to learn advanced sight words. They will also develop their critical
thinking ability through more profound engagement with longer works in
different genres, ranging from fictional to non-fictional texts. By attaining
advanced word decoding and spelling skills, our students will progress from
word recognition to comprehension, with comprehension skills such as
sequencing, retelling, visualizing, making inferences, predictions and drawing
conclusions. Students will also be guided to question a work and their reading
of it, engaging in discussions about how the author’s word choices reflect
cultural context. With the ability to recall and summaries stories,
self-correct and question when reading, students become confident, fervent, and
independent readers.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
11.Wonderlit Perform – Kindergarten
Age: 5–6 years old
Class Size: 10 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 30 mins
Goal: Trinity Young
In the Perform Kindergarten programme,
our students progressively acquire stage performance skills: preparing
costumes, memorizing lines, onstage movements, and interacting with peers. Our
students will learn to work together with their peers to achieve a coherent
performance, both in groups and as individuals, displaying a clear structured
performance with identifiable characters while demonstrating contrasting moods
within an imaginary setting.
Besides acting, our students are guided
to enunciate their words audibly, so that they can be heard and understood. The
ability to express themselves confidently will help them communicate better
with adults in real-life social settings.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
12.Wonderlit Perform – Junior
Age: 7-9 years old
Class size: 10 maximum
Class duration: 1 hour 30 mins
Grade 1 to 2 (Solo/Group)
In the Perform Junior programme, we focus
on further developing our students’ social interaction skills, helping them
gain confidence by way of articulation and enunciation of words to drive
clarity of thoughts. As they grow, we move to individual vocal and dramatic
skills improvements including appropriate physical and vocal skills needed to
engage and captivate an audience. They will learn how word enunciation plays a
part in different modes of speech delivery and discover the importance of
improvisation in literature pieces they have chosen to perform. Here, students
are supported in the research of literature pieces that interest them and immerse
them in the imaginary world.
Further, they will develop a deeper
understanding and thoughtful interpretations of selected group performance
works and learn to execute fluent deliveries with an added sense of spontaneity
and awareness of the audience. To cultivate a deeper understanding of
literature pieces, our students learn vocal techniques that are reinforced with
increasingly complex drama/theatrical skills. As a result, they will be able to
hold the audience’s attention throughout a performance.
In addition, our students are guided into
displaying a level of proficiency in reading aloud, delivering the mood,
understanding the text, and relating to the literature text chosen. Stimulus
discussions help students prepare to answer questionable topics in the
literature text.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
13.Wonderlit Read - Pre-read Sounds
Age: 2.5–5 years old
Class Size: 8 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 30 mins
In the Pre-read Sounds programme, we
focus on building a sound literacy foundation for our children by introducing
the elements of phonemic awareness. Through fun exercises and activities, our
students learn to identify first and last sounds while strengthening their fine
motor skills and attention span.
As they learn to form and speak words,
our students will grasp the concept of how words are made up of sounds. This
builds their cognitive skills in differentiating and classifying different
sounds, sparks their interest in learning and playing with more sounds, and
develops our students into confident listeners.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
14.Wonderlit Speak - Primary 3
Age: 9 years old
Class Size: 10 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 30 mins
Grade 2 (Individual)
In the Speak P3 programme, our students
will strengthen their ability to use language structures meaningfully and
clearly, including spontaneous response to brief conversations based on daily
relatable topics. Progressive vocal training through drama activities — from
articulating to enunciating words — helps our students grasp the required vocal
skills for conveying a convincing statement to a selective audience.
At this level, our students are expected
to research, prepare, form opinions, organise, and present on selective and
age-appropriate topics with clarity and understanding through the use of visual
Time will be devoted to helping our
students prepare for their MOE oral exams where needed.
Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"
15.Wonderlit Speak - Primary 4
Age: 10 years old
Class Size: 10 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 30 mins
Certification Goal:
Trinity Grade 3 (Individual)
In the Speak P4 programme, our students are guided to use their acquired vocal and physical skills to communicate with greater ease and confidence. They will hold their own in discussions and present their thoughts with persuasiveness and conviction.
Students will work together as a team to research and present on current affairs topics and express opinions through the use of visual aids. They will learn to explain and justify their perspectives in a logical manner while showing sensitivity to group mates and catering to audience needs with appropriate responses.
Time will be devoted to helping our students prepare for their MOE oral exams where needed.
Information Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of " Wonderlit"