Age group – 3 to 12 years old.
Led by an experienced interventionist with two decades of experience, ConnectedChild@Centre develops and focuses on skills that will meet our focus areas of being connected to the self, to others & to the community.
Using a hybrid of pedagogies, from structured teaching, universal design of learning to activity-based intervention, and with lessons that are rich in language, engagement and fun, we want children to love coming to our centre!
Early Intervention Support –
Helping young children to catch up on their developmental milestones. Services include building prelinguistic & communication skills, gross & fine motor skills and social skills.
Learning Support –
For children who are in school and needing an extra boost. Services include educational support such as organisation skills, handwriting, attention & other school readiness skills.
Social Emotional Learning –
From building self-awareness, management to social awareness, meaningful relationships & problem solving skills, this programme approaches social emotional learning through a play-to-learn approach.
Information Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of "Connected Child"