Top 5 STEAM Programs for Preschoolers in Singapore

STEAM classes for Preschoolers aim to equip the younger generation with important 21st-century skills. Here is our list of STEAM classes in Singapore.


STEAM classes

STEAM education has been a hot topic among parents and educators over the years. 

After understanding the skeleton of this education approach, Singapore started introducing hands-on learning into its curriculums. To date, several MOE schools and other organizations are on board to support STEAM education in Singapore. 

As parents to preschoolers, the common question will be, “What are the benefits of STEAM programmes for preschoolers?”

Learning through nature play encourages young learners to connect with the environment. They also learn to ask questions and discover solutions by themselves.

However, with the increased usage of gadgets, learning has also evolved digitally. The time spent outdoors reduces significantly, leading to numerous problems in children. Without these external stimuli from the environment to stimulate learning, the child might grow up lacking various social skills such as leadership and teamwork.

As more parents acknowledge the drawbacks, they are more open to having their preschoolers explore the wilderness. Think nature trails, the Rail Corridor Hike, or bird spotting at Sungei Buloh.

So, why is it crucial for parents to incorporate nature-based learning for preschoolers? After all, learning in the classroom also means lesser chances of being bitten by a mosquito.

Is  STEAM program for preschoolers?

STEAM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math (STEAM), is an integrated approach to guide students to ask questions, get creative and promote critical thinking. 

Research has found that students develop better life skills, such as social and problem-solving skills, when participating in creative programs. The brilliant thing is that exposing your child to STEAM education is never too early. 

If your little one is under 3 years old, you can use everyday household items to introduce them to STEAM via a Science experiment. For example, food items such as apples or capsicums, cotton wools, and paper clips can be used to play the Sink or Float game. There are also STEAM games for preschoolers. My kids played Poly Bridge, where they learned to construct and solve problems in a fun way. 

When you get your preschooler involved in these playtimes, you’d be surprised how much it can boost their cognitive development. It’s all about having fun while they learn and grow! 

STEAM classes for preschoolers can be indoors or outdoors, where lessons are customized for each age group. One of the benefits of STEAM programmes for preschoolers is focusing mainly on hands-on experiments. These activities encourage curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving, which feel more like playtime than structured studying.

Difference between STEM and STEAM program

Although STEM and STEAM are educational approaches integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, educators found that STEM couldn’t provide a holistic learning experience. 

They found that Art was the missing piece to the puzzle. When kids get artsy, their creativity and innovation soar. Combined with the technical aspects of STEAM, the real magic happens! They start thinking out of the box and become problem-solving champs. It’s like a whole new world of possibilities for them to explore.

What do preschoolers learn from STEAM program?

When preschoolers learn in a hands-on, play-based environment, you take ‘stress’ out of the equation. 

The benefits of STEAM programmes for preschoolers include:

  1. Cultivation of a growth mindset
  2. Encouraging teamwork 
  3. Increased spatial and visual thinking 
  4. Strengthening parent-child bonding and engagement
  5. Promotion of environmental awareness

Before you dive into finding an enrichment class that teaches STEAM to your preschooler, it’s important to know the different options out there. 

Some STEAM classes offer structured lessons led by instructors, while others use STEAM games for the young child to learn through interactive play. STEAM games for preschoolers are digital or physical games such as LEGO blocks that engage children in playful learning experiences, reinforcing STEAM skills and concepts in a self-directed manner. 

Regardless of either approach, both have their perks and can work together to give your child a complete STEAM learning experience. 

Now that you have an idea of STEAM-based learning, let’s look at some of the popular Classes in Singapore offering STEAM lessons. 

Popular STEAM programs for preschoolers in Singapore

Young Engineers

(ages 3-12 years old) 

Young Engineers is recognized by the Harvard Graduate School of Education as a top-notch 21st-century education system. Their Programme Junior Bricks Challenge (Age 3-5) expose the children to the concept of creative leisure, emphasizing planning and execution skills, flexibility and social interaction with their peers. The children will learn how to build models in stages and increase difficulty levels independently. They will learn the models’ functional uses and expand their usage with appropriate building additions. In addition, the children will play with their group mates, and the game will combine social rules, such as playing in turn, cooperating in a group toward achieving a joint product, a structured game with instructions and rules, and imaginary and free play.

Explorer Junior

(ages 5 -12 years old)

Explorer Junior believes that every child has the power to make a difference in our world. They offer various STEAM and Digital Literacy Camps for preschoolers. For example, Science Camp: Electricity Fun! for  5-8 years old. Discover the wonders of electricity! An electricity-themed camp where explorers will discover the wonders of electronics through fun and engaging hands-on experience with LED lights, batteries, circuits, motors and more! Explorers will form simple electrical circuits and create electric projects such as fairy lamps, paper circuits, drawing robots, and helping students understand and connect with technology.

Camp Asia

(ages 3 – 16 years old) 

At Camp Asia, they’re all about creating fun and unforgettable learning experiences. They offer exciting holiday camps filled with multiple activities, such as Art and outdoor activities involving STEAM learning, for preschoolers to learn new things, explore and have fun outside of the regular classroom setting.

Kids DiscoveryWorks 

(preschools and primary schools) 

Kids DiscoveryWorks is Singapore’s leading (STEAM) enrichment provider for preschool and primary school-level children. They offer a variety of unique STEAM programs, such as 

SuperHero Science, Whizz, Pop, Bang! & Junior C.S.I., to their exciting Maker and technology programs in digital photography, stop motion animation, 3D printing, and coding & robotics.

Their Junior C.S.I and Superhero science programmes are our personal favourites. Do check them out.

Future Ready Academy

(ages 4 – 12+ years old) 

As the name suggests, Their goal is to prepare the next generation for the future of work in Industry 4.0. 

Their Level 1 – for ages 4 – 7 Years, introduces robotics fundamentals by exposing students to basic structural and engineering design. It will cover the basics of sensors, programming and electrical circuitry. Combined concepts will give the students an appreciation of robots and an understanding of how sensors are applied in the real world.

In a nutshell, be it STEAM classes or STEAM games for preschoolers, these hands-on activities are created to ignite a passion for knowledge in your child from a young age. Many other STEAM classes for Singapore preschoolers aim to equip the younger generation with important 21st-century skills. Tap here for a full list of STEAM institutions in Singapore. 

Explore Klassbook for more Classes

To explore more classes, go through our list of various STEAM classes here. Why not start with a trial class to gauge your child’s interest?


A millennial content writer who is a mom to three growing-up boys and 2 dogs. Like my teenager going through puberty, I am always hungry – for knowledge and food. To replenish my endless need for energy, several cups of coffee a day and snacks are a must-have. Yes, I’m a snack enthusiast – my closest pals will happily vouch that I can’t resist those delectable Kueh Kuehs. When I’m not in writer mode, I’m out training my pup for professional dog agility competitions or embarking on tasty adventures to discover hidden food treasures all over Singapore.

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